As a REDSHINE published author, you get your very own Author Portfolio Webpage that showcases your work and helps you connect with your readers. This page is designed to be an all-in-one hub for your biography, social media, and published books. Your Author Portfolio Webpage will include your biography, author photo, and links to your social media profiles such as Facebook, Twitter, and email. This makes it easy for readers to connect with you and follow your latest updates.

On the right side of the page, readers can browse through all of your published books. This allows readers to easily find and purchase your work. As a REDSHINE published author, you have complete control over your Author Portfolio Webpage. You can easily update your author photo, biography, and social media links through your Author Dashboard.

Your Author Portfolio Webpage is also a great promotional tool for your books. You can share the link to your Author Portfolio Webpage on your social media profiles, website, or even on promotional materials such as bookmarks or business cards.

Having a professional and polished Author Portfolio Webpage is an essential tool for any published author. It allows you to showcase your work and connect with your readers in a meaningful way. REDSHINE’s Author Portfolio Webpage is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it a great tool for authors of all levels of experience.

In conclusion, the Author Portfolio Webpage provided by REDSHINE is a great way for authors to showcase their work and connect with readers. With features such as author biography, social media links, and published book listings, this page is a valuable tool for promoting your work and building your author brand. With complete control over the page through the Author Dashboard, it is easy to keep your page up-to-date and relevant.

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