A royalty dashboard is a powerful tool that allows authors to track and manage their royalties from their published works. REDSHINE, a leading self-publishing platform, offers its authors a comprehensive royalty dashboard that enables them to monitor their sales, earnings, and other key metrics related to their published works.

REDSHINE provides every published author with access to their Author Dashboard. To log in, the author must be a REDSHINE-published author. There is no chance to sign up for the dashboard on your own as REDSHINE itself activates author login after their book is published. Once the login is activated, the author can log in and change their password.

The Author Dashboard is an easy-to-use platform that offers a range of features that can help authors to manage and track their earnings. One of the key features of the dashboard is the ability to create a biography and add or change a profile photo. This can help authors to establish their brand and increase their visibility among potential readers.

Another important feature of the dashboard is the ability to track sales and transactions. The dashboard provides authors with detailed reports on their book sales, including the number of copies sold, the revenue earned, and the royalties owed. This information is updated in real-time, which means that authors can access the latest sales data at any time. By tracking sales and transactions, authors can identify trends and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.

The Author Dashboard also allows authors to update their bank details. This is important because REDSHINE pays royalty payments directly to the author’s verified bank account. By keeping their bank details up-to-date, authors can ensure that their royalty payments are processed smoothly and without any delays.

One of the most valuable features of the Author Dashboard is the ability to access sales data across different channels. REDSHINE publishes books on various platforms, including Amazon, Flipkart, and their own online stores and outlets. The dashboard provides authors with sales data for each channel, allowing them to compare sales and identify the most lucrative channels for their books.

The dashboard also provides authors with access to a range of promotional tools. These tools can help authors to increase their book sales and expand their audience. For example, authors can use the dashboard to create and manage book promotions, such as discounts or giveaways. They can also use the dashboard to access marketing resources and tools, such as social media graphics and email templates.

The REDSHINE royalty dashboard is an essential tool for authors who want to manage and track their earnings from their published works. With a range of features, including sales tracking, bank details updates, and promotional tools, the dashboard provides authors with the tools they need to succeed in the competitive world of self-publishing. If you’re a REDSHINE published author, be sure to log in to your Author Dashboard and take advantage of all the features and benefits it offers.

What does the dashboard look like

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