Royalty payout frequency is an important consideration for authors and editors who are looking to monetize their creative works. It refers to how often an author or editor will receive royalty payments for their work, and can vary depending on the publishing company or platform. In this page, we will focus on the royalty payout frequency offered by REDSHINE, a leading publishing platform that helps authors and editors to self-publish their works.

REDSHINE offers a transparent and fair royalty payout system for their authors and editors. They pay royalties based on the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) of the book, which is a percentage of the sale price of the book. The percentage of royalty paid to the author/editor depends on the channel of sale. For books sold on online platforms like Amazon and Flipkart, REDSHINE pays 10% of the MRP as royalty. For books sold through their own online stores and outlets, they pay a higher percentage of 20% of the MRP as royalty.

One of the advantages of using REDSHINE as a publishing platform is the frequency of royalty payouts. REDSHINE pays royalties on a quarterly basis. This means that authors and editors can expect to receive their royalty payments four times a year, which is more frequent than many other publishing platforms that pay out royalties only twice a year or even once a year.

To ensure that the royalty payments reach the right person, REDSHINE pays the royalty amount directly to the main author/editor’s verified bank account. This is done to avoid any confusion or errors in the royalty payout process. REDSHINE also provides a detailed transaction history and selling report on the author dashboard, which allows authors and editors to track their sales and royalty payments easily.

The royalty payout frequency offered by REDSHINE is a great advantage for authors and editors who are looking to monetize their creative works. With a quarterly payout system, authors and editors can expect to receive their royalty payments more frequently, which can be an important source of income. The transparent and fair royalty payout system offered by REDSHINE, combined with their detailed transaction history and selling report, makes it an attractive option for authors and editors who are looking to self-publish their works.

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